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In this assessment, the final care coordination plan is developed based on the preliminary care coordination plan created in the first assessment. The subject for discussion is domestic abuse, for which patient-centered interventions will be developed. Furthermore, the paper will explore ethical decisions that must be considered while designing these interventions. Health policy provisions will also be identified that promote care coordination and its continuum for affected people of domestic abuse and the overall community. The care coordinator will discuss the plan with patients affected by Domestic Violence (DV) with appropriate priorities. Lastly, the plan’s alignment with Healthy People 2030 will be evaluated.
Patient-Centered Health Interventions and Timelines for Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence is a prevalent community issue that impacts public physical, mental, and emotional health. It poses several healthcare issues and requires prompt attention to prevent long-lasting and irreversible bodily and mental damage (Descartes et al., 2021). The three major healthcare issues raised by domestic abuse and violence include physical repercussions such as bruises, lacerations, fractures, and organ damage on the affected individuals; mental health issues: post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depressive thoughts, and suicidal ideation; and substance abuse among survivors as a coping mechanism which leads to addiction and other healthcare issues (Descartes et al., 2021).
Interventions for Each Healthcare Issue and Community Resources
- To address the physical injuries concern of domestic violence, it is imperative to raise awareness and educate the community about no domestic violence and how it can deteriorate a person’s life. Moreover, comprehensive medical care and counseling must be prompted to initiate immediate access to emergency medical care for physical injuries and wounds (Boserup et al., 2020). The timelines for this intervention will comprise immediate response until the patient’s wounds start healing. Moreover, the hospital must document injuries effectively for forensic evidence (Muldoon et al., 2021). Some essential and suitable community resources for this intervention can be local emergency departments and healthcare clinics offering 24/7 care, such as hospitals like Minnesota Clinic for Health and Wellness, forensic nurse examiners programs to collect forensic evidence, legal aid, and advocacy organizations to navigate legal processes and ensure documentation is admissible in court (Gulati & Kelly, 2020).
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan
- The mental health issues can be addressed adequately by ensuring the victims acquire psychotherapy and counseling from certified psychologists and psychiatrists. This will enable trauma to unfold and promote trauma-informed care, leading to improving patients’ mental well-being (Chandan et al., 2019). This will require a short-term timeline of at least 3-6 months to establish significant mental health outcomes from psychotherapy and talk therapy. The community resources can include mental health clinics such as Colorado Mental Health Institute and telemental health services from professional psychologists.
- Domestic violence survivors can be prevented from substance abuse by providing educational wisdom, social support, and practical ways to abandon addictive substances. For this purpose, healthcare professionals like nurses can play a broad role in educating patients indulged in substance abuse post-domestic violence (Bell & McCurry, 2020). They can also refer patients to mental health professionals to treat the underlying cause of this issue and improve mental and emotional health. They can also use community groups to acquire social support and keep good company to avoid using harmful products causing addiction (Bell & McCurry, 2020). The community resources included for this intervention are substance abuse treatment centers (American Addiction Centers (AAC)), Las Vegas Addiction Treatment Center), support groups (Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)), and crisis helplines such as (866) 407-6106 of AAC (American Addiction Centers, 2019).
Ethical Decisions for Patient-Centered Health Approaches
While crafting patient-centered health approaches, it is paramount to consider ethical principles such as confidentiality, informed consent, benevolence, and cultural sensitivity. When healthcare professionals practice confidentiality and informed consent in providing trauma-informed care, they restore patient’s trust after domestic violence and assault. However, it can involve relevant stakeholders such as family members, legal enforcement, and inte